Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tentative plan for 2012

     This is the tentative plan.  Things change you know.
     Starting from the west, Alaska is unplanned.  Washington, Oregon and California will be tomatoes.
Minnesota will be green beans, Iowa, west 7 feet peas, east 13 feet potatoes.
Idaho, Tomatoes and peppers, Montana, peas. north 3 feet is garlic planted last fall.
Wyoming, north 7 feet is perennial asparagus, chives and thyme. south end, potatoes.
Colorado and Kansas, north end squash and corn, south end potatoes.
Missouri, North to south, radishes, dill, spinach and lettuce.
Texas, Sunflowers on the north edge, carrots in the south west, onions in the southeast.
Maine, green beans and potatoes.  Illinois, perennial strawberries.  Louisiana, cucumbers.
Indiana, broccoli, Ohio, cabbage north, lettuce south. Pennsylvania, potatoes
New York, carrots in the north, onions in the south.
     Details and changes will come as I do the planting.

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