Saturday, April 7, 2012

8 eggs a day!

     These are the 8 eggs I gathered on Thursday, and the 8 hens and 2 roosters responsible.  I give the roosters some credit in keeping the hens happy, and fertilizing the eggs.  We all know that fertilized eggs are better for you than the commercial unfertilized eggs.  They're lower in cholesteral.  (My opinion.  Does anybody know of any studies proving or disproving this?)  You'll also note that 2 hens were very busy when it was picture time.

     The next day, on Friday, I gathered 8 more eggs.  I swear to you I don't have a turkey or a goose in the group.  

     Wouldn't it be fun to hatch out that big one and see what we get?


  1. enjoying the progress notes... i thought the easter bunny brought eggs?/? happy easterdave and all chickens and humans in your coops!

    1. Thanks Liz. And a happy Easter to you and yours.
