When I walked out to the garden this morning, the old tin can on the fence told me we got 3/4 inch of rain last night. Added to the 2 inches we got the previous two nights, I believe the dry spell is over.
Hillbilly rain gauge. That pile of sticks in my garden is the pea trellis. |
Spring was cold and dry until late May, when it became hot and dry. I planted the early crops like potatoes, radishes, lettuce, peas, carrots and onions in late April. of course the asparagus and chives are perennial and the garlic was planted last fall. My inside plants didn't do so well, so I bought broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and tomato plants which I put in the garden in late May. The last days of May we had a hard frost, and I lost all the tomato plants. Then it got hot and dry again, so I bought more tomato, pepper, squash and watermelon plants and put them in on June 5th and 6th. The rains came that night, and continued for 3 nights until this morning. This homestead is surely blessed.
Lots of tasty worms and bugs out here! |
Besides clearing out the barn and the area around the barn, preparing for the tear down contractor, I still visit the chickens every day. When the weather got hot about 2 weeks ago, I opened up their summer pasture for them. It's more shaded than the winter-spring pasture, and the worms and bugs are more plentiful, which our four hens sure appreciate.
Well, we'll probably have asparagus for our vegetable to night, and lettuce and radishes are ready for a salad. it looks good for red potatoes and peas about the 4th of July, cabbage and broccoli shortly after that. Hope to report more progress on both the garden and the barn by about that time. Remember that doing for others brings the most happiness.
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