Saturday, April 20, 2013

Re-potting pumpkins, squash and tomatoes

     I re-potted the cherry and beefsteak tomatoes, and the pumpkin and squash from saved seed today.  Transplanting is best done during the 3rd quarter after the full moon to encourage root growth, but mostly you have to transplant when they're ready.  I couldn't wait any longer for these pumpkins, squash and tomatoes,  as they were just too big and crowded.  Hopefully it will be warm enough to move most of them out to the greenhouse soon.  I'll have more to re-pot in the next 2 weeks, and it's getting crowded in the house.

"I beg your pardon,---would you like to see my garden?
It's really quite fantastic, don't you know.
It's filled with dreams,---and hopes and plans and schemes.
And waits patiently beneath two feet of snow."

Garden on April 20th

The Snow WILL melt, really

     After 2 weeks of overcast skies, the sun finally came out today.  We still have 2 feet of snow everywhere, but the ground is showing through where I shoveled my path to the greenhouse. 
     My friends tell me the maple sap isn't running yet this year.  It's no wonder as we only have a few hours in the afternoon when the temperature gets barely above freezing.  It should start running soon though, as the mid-range weather forecast is for highs in the 40's and lows in the mid to high 20's.  At that rate the snow should be off the garden by early May, about 2 months later than last year.  Looks like a short season.  I can probably forget about the cantaloupe.


Blessings for the coming year 

     I'm still looking forward to celebrating the successes and learning from the failures of this coming year.  The hours I'll spend planting, spreading compost and poop, weeding, and sitting in my lawn chair watching the garden grow will be the joy that can only be brought by another year on the farm.  Did I mention the good eats?
     Enjoy the mud when it comes and watch out for the high water.

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