Saturday, March 17, 2012

Garden Review 2011

     This was my garden in 2011.  Although there are still some problems with my drawing, I hope it's easier to read than the previous one.  From east to west, (top to bottom), it's about 90 feet.  From north to south,(left to right) it's about 40 feet.  The paths between beds are about 30 inches, and the beds, with some variation, are about 30 inches wide.  Although it may seem like a waste of space, it makes for easy access for weeding and planting, and is more pleasing to my eyes.  I usually have a table and a chair or two sitting on the northeast corner of the garden shed, where I can sip on my gin and tonic, and talk or sing to my plants.  The chickens are right behind me, so they often get in on the conversation.
     The U shaped bed in the NW corner had Russet Potatoes planted under straw.  Didn't work out that well.
     The 3 beds next to that were corn, acorn squash and string beans.  We got 2 meals of sweet corn, and the  squash did all right, but the beans were a bust.  The east end of the southern bed was carrot seed.  Did fine.
     The 2 beds east of that on the north edge of the garden were sunflowers, corn and dill, plus some volunteer kennebec potatoes from the year before.  The potatoes, sunflowers and dill did very well, and the corn was part of our 2 meals of sweet corn.
     The 6 beds just south of that, starting from the furthest east; bed 1 was corn, acorn squash and beans.  The beans did just fine, except for the ones with the corn and squash.  The squash also did OK.
     Bed 2 was California Wonder green peppers and Rutgers tomatoes.  We got a few nice green peppers, but I've never had good luck with green peppers.  I keep trying.  The tomatoes were OK, but nothing to write home about.
     Bed 3 is my perennial bed of asparagus, chives and thyme.  Never get that much asparagus, but the chives and thyme were fine.  Nothing planted in the south end of that bed.
     Bed 4 was peas.  Had 2 or 3 meals and froze 3 quarts.
     Bed 5 was carrots and onions.  Carrots always do well for me, Onions, so-so.
     Bed 6 was red potatoes.  So-so, but not as good as other years.
     The bed south of that was better boy tomatoes and cucumbers.  Cucumbers and tomatoes both did fine.  We ate many tomatoes through the summer, and with the rutgers tomatoes, we canned 8 or 10 quarts.
     The June bearing strawberry bed just east of that was in its second year.  Only got about 2 quarts, maybe better next year.
     The bed in the NW corner was carrot seed, (last years carrots) and green cabbage.  Got plenty of carrot seed for this year.  The cabbage was ok, but had some cabbage moth problems.  I'll do a better job of spraying with my garlic, red pepper, soap spray this year.
     In the 4 beds just south of that, the first 2 were russet potatoes.  Remind me not to plant russet potatoes again.  Extremely poor yield, compared to my kennebecs and yukon gold of the year before.
     Bed 3 was spinach, black seeded simpson lettuce, and peas.  Early crop was fine, but the later crops didn't do so well.
     Bed 4 was broccoli and spinach.  so-so.  Someday I'll raise a good crop of broccoli.
     We had radishes interplanted with something, but I don't remember where.  Radishes always do well, and I especially love the French breakfast radishes.  Saved some seed.
     A review of last year is necessary for this year's planning.  Wish me luck for 2012.

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