You know those old recipes that said, "add an egg if the hens are laying." We had almost gotten to the point where we didn't have an egg for that recipe. Sometimes I get the feeling we're running an old folk's home for poultry. Yesterday, however, I found a listing on Craig's List advertising laying hens for sale. I called, went up to her place north of Blackduck, and for $5 each I bought 5 pullets hatched this year, and 7 hens hatched last year. She threw in 2 roosters for free. Fertilized eggs are very low in cholesterol, right? We'll soon be back to our healthy, egg-rich diet.
Mr. Black is King of the Coop |
The Hierarchy in the Coop
Bob looks a little bedraggled, but his time will come |
In Other News
I thought I'd throw in a picture of the 10 to 12 foot sunflowers as they've finally come into bloom. We picked the first sweetcorn yesterday. Tomorrow we'll be canning some tomatoes, and probably be eating our third baby watermelon. The peas were done a while ago, the broccoli was plentiful, and done last week. The cabbages have been very good, and are still coming. We've had all the onions, carrots and potatoes we've needed, and most of the rest will go in the root cellar for winter. The wild plums are late this year, as most things were, but should be ready in about a week. They don't appear to be as plentiful as most years, but maybe we need a break from plum jelly. We'll still have enough for in season snacks.
Despite the late start, I'm happy with the results this far. Of course the raccoons could hit tomorrow. And the hail could hit next week. Barring that or some other natural disaster, we should do OK this year. And those are powerfully positive words for a Minnesotan.
nice tall sunflowers!!!!!