This book is a brilliant colaboration created by photographer Doug Ohman and author Will Weaver. It's a fictional biography of a barn in central Minnesota and its family, illustrated by photographs of many actual barns of Minnesota. It traces the barn's history from before its creation in the 1920's until after its demise in the 1990's.
It took me only a few hours to read and peruse the 128 pages, which were about half story and half photos. This also includes the time I spent with tears of sadness and tears of joy in my eyes, and the time I spent looking out my kitchen window at the fictional barn's brother that stands on the homestead I call my home. It's mine for the moment, but really belongs to all of Minnesota, past and future.
Whether your interests are in farming, history, art or architecture, a few hours of reading the story, perusing the photos and contemplating the ideas are a valuable investment of your time.
"a barn will build a house" Will Weaver