Thursday, May 22, 2014

Me and the Garden, We're Both Running on Slow

     I don't know if it's because of the weather, distractions from other projects or if I'm just groggy after waking from last winter's nap, but the garden is off to a slow and jerky start.  Except for a few warm days it's been a lot cooler than usual for this time of year.  I didn't keep very good records this spring either.

As Near As I Remember

Around April 1st,  I started lettuce and spinach in boxes in the greenhouse.  The spinach is OK, but the lettuce came up very sparse.  They're both coming slower than they should.
Mid-April,  I started a number of plants in the house.  The tomatoes are doing well, some of the pumpkins   and broccoli are OK, but the watermelon, squash and cabbage just didn't make it.

Spinach in a movable box

     In late April, I started planting cold weather crops directly in the garden.

About April 20th,  Planted French breakfast radishes, Spanish onions, carrots, red potatoes and garlic.  The  radishes sprouted about 2 weeks ago, the others are just now starting to sprout, one month later.
Around May 1st,  Moved the boxes of lettuce and spinach outside and planted some more.
About May 10th, planted peas, both little marvel and edible pod
About May 20th, more carrots, white onion sets, Detroit red beets and potatoes, Yukon and kennebec.
Mid-May, the 18 hens started laying regularly and we're getting about a dozen or so eggs a day.

Coming Soon, Lord Willing and the Creek Don't Rise

     That's about where we're at right now.  Hopefully soon both me and the soil will warm up, wake up and get busy.  May 21st the moon entered the last quarter, so it's time to go outside and clean up the weeds in the flowers and strawberries and any place else I find 'em.  In about a week with the new moon I should be planting some more salad crops and some corn.  In two weeks with the second quarter the beans and maybe a few other things will go in.  With the frost danger gone, and the full moon about the second week in June, I should be able to transplant the tomatoes into the garden.  During this time, I'll probably be buying some other plants, like cabbage, watermelon and squash to replace the ones that didn't make it under my grow lights in the house.

     You can see if it wasn't for my Lunar Calendar, I wouldn't get anything done.  Happy gardening, and may the sun and the moon shine down brightly on your lives.