Sunday, November 25, 2012

Way Down in November

     The garden is now covered with about an inch of snow.  Temps went down into the teens last 2 nights, with single digits predicted for tonight. Without supplemental heat, it's not much warmer inside the greenhouse at night.  Spinach and lettuce in the greenhouse have been growing very slowly, now appears to have stopped.  I moved the chives, thyme, and spearmint pots into the kitchen, in a north-facing window.  There are no good windows facing other directions.
     Our 8 hens have been giving us an average of 1 egg a day.  I switched them from laying mash to straight corn on October 28th, and stopped giving them extra light on November 11th. Our daylight is now about 8 hours.  The egg I picked on Saturday was frozen and cracked, so I threw it out in the woods for the varmits.  I've been checking twice a day, but I'll have to make sure I pick after they go to roost, as it now freezes hard at night.
     I did get all the fall tilling done in October, but we didn't get much cold weather or snow until now  It's the warmest November I've seen in a long time.  Srill have seed inventory and planning to do, but other than that, it's time for a long winter's nap.